ElliQ Introduces New Training and Fitness Videos from Bold

ElliQ Introduces New Training and Fitness Videos from Bold
July 22, 2022
Seniors and Tech
Aging Place
Empowered Aging
Healthy Aging
Care Program
Seniors and Tech
Aging Place
Empowered Aging
Healthy Aging
Care Program

ElliQ is excited to announce a new partnership with Bold - the innovative digital health and wellness company - to offer accessible exercise classes to seniors. Bold’s classes help seniors stay active with tailored levels of intensity and different types of exercises.

Physical exercise is a key ingredient to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and it becomes even more important as we age. Here we’ll explore the topic of fitness for seniors and provide context around the Bold exercise content

Why is physical exercise so important for seniors?

As we age, slowing down to some extent is inevitable. Between the ages of 50 and 70, most adults lose around 30% of muscle mass, making it more difficult to do some of the things we’re used to.

However, that doesn’t mean we should stop being active. In fact, it’s exactly why we need to ensure we stay active as we get older. For example, strength training can prevent or significantly reduce the loss of muscle mass that’s normally associated with aging.

The risk of falling is also something that increases as we age - in fact, an astounding 1 in 3 older adults experience a fall every year. This is linked to reduced strength, balance, as well as reduced mobility and coordination. Falls can cause distress and even serious injury, but many people find it difficult to ask for help, with less than half of older adults telling their doctor about a fall.

And the effects aren’t just physical. Physical activity in later life is also associated with better cognitive function and wellbeing. The ‘wellbeing’ element is also important, as several mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are common in seniors.

So, lack of physical activity can actually accelerate the rate of physical and mental decline, making exercise a vital part of staying as happy, healthy, and energetic as possible in later life.

What is Bold?

Bold is an innovative digital health and wellness company that is dedicated to helping older adults live their strongest, happiest, and healthiest lives.

In general, trainers and exercise experts who specialize in helping older adults are spread thinly around the world. This makes accessing proper support a challenge for seniors, even though they are, in many ways, the people who need it most.

Launched in 2020, Bold is changing this by linking seniors everywhere with some of the world’s best exercise professionals specializing in older adults. By offering on-demand video classes and personalized programs, Bold supports seniors of any age and any fitness level, helping them live the happy, healthy life they desire.

The platform follows a strictly science-based approach, ensuring all classes are targeted and backed by evidence, with manageable, fun, and effective exercises for everyone to enjoy. Bold also focuses heavily on fall prevention, basing its programs on strength, balance, and mobility to specifically reduce the risk of falls.

This approach has been hugely effective, and the Bold Fall Prevention Program has demonstrated a 46% reduction in falls and related hospitalizations.

To help personalize each member’s fitness journey, Bold starts out by walking you through a range of simple balance, strength, and mobility tests. With this information, Bold will create a tailored individual workout program that’s set at exactly the right level to maximize enjoyment, as well as health and wellness benefits.

Why do ElliQ and Bold work so well together?

ElliQ is already helping seniors to live happier, healthier lives by accompanying them through their daily routines, assisting them in a variety of ways, and making it easier to age in place. Importantly, her incredibly intuitive interface automates and personalizes this support, making it an accessible solution to those who may have little experience with technology.

The partnership with Bold takes innovation and accessibility a step further. Now, anyone enjoying ElliQ’s digital companionship can easily add tailored exercise classes into their daily routine. With Bold’s on-demand world-class video classes covering a range of exercises, seniors can stay happy, healthy, and active without the need for expensive, inconvenient gym memberships, and all from the comfort of their own homes.

ElliQ and Bold - A partnership for healthy, happy aging

Aging healthily and happily can be a challenge, especially for those living at home, but specialized technology can make it simpler.

ElliQ is designed to help seniors stay on top of their physical and mental health, even when living alone. ElliQ’s mission aligns perfectly with that of Bold, making this partnership an exciting step forwards in health and wellness support for seniors.

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Dafna Presler

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